You will find me wandering cities in the places most people avoid as well as trekking throughout remote wilderness with my cameras and my dog. My body of work lies at the intersection where nature collides with the urban; serenity with the profane. This collision creates highly chaotic/textural landscapes between natural and urban landscapes alike. The work I create within each medium is driven by a deep knowledge of the built environment, sensitivity toward our eroding natural landscapes, altruism, and concern for the climate crisis. It stands as a commentary toward the ways in which we utilize cities and often allow nature’s power to reclaim our creations. In light of my fascination with urban obsolescence, I strive to design for resilience.

I work primarily in architecture and photography; with formal training in both. I seek opportunities to help those in need, while creating the greenest architecture possible/allowable for the client and community. I am available for architectural design, architectural energy consultation, and photography services throughout the rocky mountain west.

My work has been exhibited at:
the Colorado Photographic Arts CEnter [Denver]
Soho Photo Gallery [New York]
MSU Denver Center for Visual Art [Denver]
the Jackson HOle Center for the arts [Jackson]
and portions of a research project archived at the MoMa [New York]

Formal education includes:
rhode Island School of Design _ Architecture
Lawrence Tech University _ Architecture
University of Washington _ photography

PHIUS Certified Passive House Consultant [CPHC]